Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Meet the Children

After months of retooling, revamping, redrawing, and revisioning, I am pleased to announce the rebirth of Children’s Band Books.

Allow me to reintroduce the kids:

The five Children’s Band characters – Ebenezer, Esmerelda, Dezzi, Tito, and Dudley – attend Friendship Community Church where they learn to share their gifts with each other. Ebenezer is a young entrepreneur, Esmerelda is a future scientist, Dezzi is into the fine arts, Tito is all about health and fitness, and Dudley is deaf, but that doesn’t stop him from doing what all the other children do.

The series includes five picture books, an activity book, and a music CD, all of which can be purchased on

Ebenezer Opens a Savings Account: Ebenezer earns money by helping his mom and dad at home. He isn’t sure what to do with the money in his piggy bank, but his parents know what to do. They take him to the bank to open his first savings account.

Esmerelda’s Speech: Esmerelda’s friends choose her to be the speaker during Children’s Band Day, but she is shy and is afraid to speak in front of a crowd. Her friends encourage her and help her get over her fears.

Dezzi’s Dance Recital: Dezzi tries, and she tries, and she tries again, but she can’t seem to learn the dance step she is supposed to perform in her recital. It’s a good thing her friends are there to help her practice and cheer for her.

Tito’s Tasty Snacks: The Children’s Band kids are hungry after playing in the park all morning. When it’s time for a snack, Tito tells his friends how much better they’ll feel if they eat healthy foods.

Dudley’s Solo: Dudley is deaf, but that doesn’t stop him from doing what his friends in Children’s Band do. Even though Dudley can’t hear or speak, he joins the other kids at their choir concert. He even performs his own solo!

Thanks for visiting the Children's Band Blog. More to come soon.

Tiffany Alexander
Creator, Children's Band Books

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